Burlington Code Academy Software Development Demo Day

Join the Burlington Code Academy for its Software Dev Demo Day. BCA’s Bootcamp cohort is wrapping up their 12-weeks as software development students, and are now full-stack developers ready to start new careers in the tech industry. During Demo Day the students will showcase the culmination of their hard work by demoing their capstone projects. […]

The Power of Alignment: Unify Your Sales & Marketing Goals to Improve Conversions

Join Scout Digital and the Vermont Technology Alliance for an insightful presentation on why and how to build alignment between sales and marketing to improve conversions 87% of sales and marketing leaders say collaboration between sales and marketing enables critical business growth (LinkedIn 2020). Each department has operated with its own goals and priorities that […]

3D Product Renderings for Ecommerce

Scout Digital and the Vermont Technology Alliance present a webinar on using 3D renderings in your marketing efforts. Join Aaron Nevins, Senior Editor/Animator at Scout Digital, for a lively discussion on how 3D product renderings improve the user experience and drive higher conversions at checkout. He’ll walk you through a few case studies of clients […]

Burlington Code Academy Software Development Demo Day

Join the Burlington Code Academy for its Software Dev Demo Day. BCA’s Bootcamp cohort is wrapping up their 12-weeks as software development students, and are now full-stack developers ready to […]

Medical Insurance Level Funding Webinar

The state of Vermont and the Green Mountain Care Board are proposing significant hospital budget increases for the 2023 fiscal year (19%). Vermont state medical exchange carriers BCBSVT and MVP […]

Transitioning from Employee to Founder: Starting a Business as Your Second Act

The Vermont Technology Alliance is partnering with York IE for an online presentation on learning how to start your business as a second career act. 45 years old. That’s the average age of a startup founder. Instead of the young, college dropout that many may picture, entrepreneurs are more likely to be seasoned workers who […]

Virtual Workforce Support Sessions for Employers 

Employers interested in recruitment, training, and retention resources have a new opportunity to connect with experts in a series of lunchtime learning sessions. Workforce Development Specialists from the Department of Economic Development, Department of Labor, and Vermont State Colleges (Vermont State University and Community College of Vermont) will cover: Who to contact for workforce programs […]

THINKMD Open Mic: Schools as the First Step in Healthcare

Think MD will host A Global Health Virtual Open Mic on August 2, giving speakers from around the globe an opportunity to share their insights on the intersection of school and health. The Open Mic welcomes all from the global health and education communities, and beyond, and is intended to create a knowledge-sharing platform on […]

Migrating from On-Premise Servers to the Cloud: Tech Tuesday Presented by Open Approach

Open Approach's next Tech Tuesday virtual peer group session will focus on migrating from on-premise servers to the cloud.  Key aspects such as assessment and planning, migration strategies, data and application migration, security compliance and management, ongoing maintenance, and more will be covered. VTTA member Open Approach is passionate about creating a space where IT […]

Data Privacy Webinar

The Vermont Chamber of Commerce presents a webinar featuring a panel discussing the future of data-driven tools in Vermont on Monday, October 28 at 1 p.m. As the legislature gears […]