Tech Networking Event

Queen City Brewery 703B Pine Street, Burlington, VT, United States

The Vermont Technology Alliance and Vermont Tech Meetup are partnering to present a free networking event with an Open Mic at Queen City Brewery. Come join us for an evening of connecting and building community with other Vermonters working in the technology ecosystem. Queen City Brewery has graciously provided the space and we will have […]

Environmental Tech in Vermont – Panel & Networking

Queen City Brewery 703B Pine Street, Burlington, VT, United States

  The Vermont Technology Alliance is collaborating with Vermont Tech Meetup for an event dedicated to environmental technology in Vermont. The evening will bring together local experts to shed light […]

A.I. in Vermont Panel & Networking

Queen City Brewery 703B Pine Street, Burlington, VT, United States

Join us for an illuminating evening at the Vermont Tech Meetup's AI-focused event, where the brightest minds in the field will converge to discuss the cutting-edge world of artificial intelligence. […]

VTTA Networking Event and Presentation at Queen City Brewery

Queen City Brewery 703B Pine Street, Burlington, VT, United States

The Vermont Technology Alliance is hosting a networking event and presentation at Queen City Brewery Event Space on Aug. 23. Admission includes a variety of pizza from Pizza 44 and […]

VTTA Networking Event at Queen City Brewery

Queen City Brewery 703B Pine Street, Burlington, VT, United States

Plan to join the VTTA networking event on Thursday, May 4, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Queen City Brewery in Burlington. We’ll have QCB beer and other drinks, pizza […]