Latest Past Events

Burlington Code Academy Software Development Demo Day

Join the Burlington Code Academy for its Software Dev Demo Day. BCA’s Bootcamp cohort is wrapping up their 12-weeks as software development students, and are now full-stack developers ready to start new careers in the tech industry. During Demo Day the students will showcase the culmination of their hard work by showing  their capstone projects. […]

3D Product Renderings for Ecommerce

Scout Digital and the Vermont Technology Alliance present a webinar on using 3D renderings in your marketing efforts. Join Aaron Nevins, Senior Editor/Animator at Scout Digital, for a lively discussion […]

Senator Patrick Leahy Cyber Symposium

Norwich University 158 Harmon Drive, Northfield

Vermont U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy hosts a free Cyber Symposium at Norwich University. This day-long discussion on the latest innovations in cybersecurity and the importance of cyber education and workforce […]