Latest Past Events

Burlington Code Academy Software Development Demo Day

Join the Burlington Code Academy for its Software Dev Demo Day. BCA’s Bootcamp cohort is wrapping up their 12-weeks as software development students, and are now full-stack developers ready to start new careers in the tech industry. During Demo Day the students will showcase the culmination of their hard work by demoing their capstone projects. […]

2022 Northern New England MedTech Pitch Competition

Lebanon Opera House 51 N Park Street, Lebanon

The Upper Valley MedTech Collaborative is hosting a Pitch Competition at the Lebanon Opera House in Lebanon, NH.  The competition is open Northern New England innovative health start-ups (e.g. MedTech, […]

Earth Week Celebrations at 12-22 North

VTTA member 12-22 North is hosting Earth Week activities: April 22nd ~ Outdoor video viewing night! Outside at 12-22 North. Environmentally related video clips will be projected in our alley […]