The Vermont Technology Alliance provides opportunities to combine an annual VTTA membership with sponsorship of our programs and outreach. A sponsorship provides year-round value and visibility — including to potential new employees, clients and the community — and recognition as a leading supporter of the VTTA.
Leadership Member/Sponsor
- Recognized as providing year-round foundational support to the VTTA
- Annual VTTA membership
- Opportunity to create a business branded event or recognition of a presenting sponsor of a VTTA event; opportunity to speak at the event.
- Opportunity to present up to three webinars
- Opportunity to provide up to three blog posts
- Logo included in sponsor scroll on VTTA homepage
- Logo included on the sponsors page of the website
- Sponsorship logo with link in monthly VTTA newsletter and other communications
- Featured Employer listing opportunity in the Career Center
- Featured member profile on website
- Logo included in annual full-page Tech Jam ad
- Posting of news items and social media mentions in VTTA communications
- Advertisement in a VTTA newsletter issue
- Option to create a business-branded VTTA event
- Receive complimentary tickets to VTTA events
- Recognized as a Leadership member/sponsor in VTTA communications
Sustaining Member/Sponsor
- Annual VTTA membership
- Sponsor of a major event; opportunity to speak
- Opportunity to present up to two webinars
- Opportunity to provide up to two blog post
- Logo/recognition for VTTA events and in event communications
- Logo included in sponsor scroll on VTTA homepage
- Logo included on the sponsors page of the website
- Sponsorship logo with link in monthly VTTA newsletter.
- Featured Employer listing opportunity in the Career Center
- Featured member profile on website
- Logo included in full-page Tech Jam Ad
- Posting of news items and social media mentions in VTTA communications
- Receive complimentary tickets to VTTA events
- Option to sponsor a business branded VTTA event
- Recognized as a Sustaining member/sponsor in VTTA communications
Partner Member/Sponsor
- Annual VTTA membership
- Sponsorship recognition for a VTTA Event
- Opportunity to present a webinar
- Opportunity to provide a blog post
- Logo included in sponsor scroll on VTTA homepage
- Logo included on the sponsors page of the website
- Sponsorship logo with link in monthly VTTA newsletter and other communications
- Featured Employer listing in the Career Center
- Featured member profile on website
- Receive complimentary tickets to a VTTA event
- Logo included in full-page Tech Jam Ad
- Option to sponsor a business branded VTTA event
- Recognized as a Partner member/sponsor in VTTA communications and events
Other Sponsorship Opportunities
- Sponsor or host a presentation or networking event
- Advertise in the monthly newsletter
- Co-marketing Opportunities
- Tech Jam Ad logo sponsor
See our current member/sponsors
For more information, contact:
Jeff Couture
Executive Director
[email protected]